5 Reasons to Visit Urgent Care for a Fever

5 Reasons to Visit Urgent Care for a Fever

Fevers often improve on their own as the underlying health problem heals. But our White Lake Family Medicine patients often have questions about how long to wait for a fever to improve and how to know when a fever needs urgent care.

David Leszkowitz, DO, and his skilled team have years of experience diagnosing and treating children, teens, and adults with fevers. Here, they give you a rundown of when to seek urgent care.

However, if you or your child has a fever and you’re unsure what to do, don’t hesitate to call the office, and we can help you decide if you or your child needs medical attention.

Reasons why you have a fever

You develop a fever when your body is fighting an infection or illness. Fevers occur when your core body temperature rises above its usual set point (which is determined by structures in your brain).

In most cases, fevers arise from an inflammatory condition or a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Many fever-causing conditions fall under those four categories. A few examples include:

Fevers support the body’s healing process by boosting your immune activity. However, a high body temperature also raises your metabolic rate and places more stress on your organs.

A sustained high fever can quickly cause heart, lung, brain, liver, and kidney problems without treatment. Children may develop fever-related seizures (febrile seizures). That’s why it’s crucial to know when to get medical attention.

Five reasons to seek urgent care for a fever

Though 98.6°F is the average healthy body temperature, typical temperatures can range from 97°F to 99°F or higher in children.

A fever is a temperature of 100.4°F or higher when measured orally (by mouth). Ear and rectal thermometers tend to be higher, while skin thermometers (like those you place against the forehead) are often lower.

You need urgent care if you or your child meets any of the following five guidelines:

  1. Younger than three months with a fever of 100.4°F
  2. Three to twelve months with a fever of 102°F
  3. Ages three through adult with a fever of 103°F
  4. Fever of 105°F or higher (unless it comes down with medication)
  5. Fever lasting longer than a few days or accompanied by other symptoms

Many possible symptoms signal an underlying condition if they occur with a fever. For example, a fever and stiff neck are classic signs of meningitis, an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

Red flag symptoms accompanying fevers

It’s essential to visit our urgent care clinic immediately if you or your child have a fever accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

You should also get prompt medical attention if you have a weakened immune system or a chronic health problem like heart disease.

You can access our urgent care services seven days a week, and Monday through Friday evening hours. Walk in or call the office to schedule a same-day urgent care appointment.

However, if you have any of the above symptoms and we’re not open, go to the nearest emergency department and get treatment to prevent serious health complications. Then, schedule a follow-up appointment at White Lake Family Medicine.

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